STREATwise E-learn

Gender & Sexual Diversity​

This e-learn takes us through sex, gender and sexuality while looking at why it’s so important to ask for people’s pronouns. Gender & Sexual Diversity will provide a deeper understanding to these important issues while digging into legislation, culture, some shocking statistics and how to be an ally and make a difference.

Learning Objectives

 By the end of this e-learn, you should be able to: 
  • Identify the difference between sex, gender and sexuality 
  • Be an awesome ally for your LGBTQIA+ colleagues, workers and community members!
  • Recognise and communicate why being an ally is important in the workplace and within society
  • Speak confidently regarding pronouns, gender and sexual diversity, and appreciate why toilets are such a big deal
  • Put polices and processes into place to create a fair, just and equal workplace 
  • Understand relevant legislation and workplace polices

Instructor: Dr. Kate Barrelle

Dr Kate Barrelle is a clinical and forensic psychologist with over 25 years of applied experience and a career that centers around people and their well-being. She moved to Melbourne a decade ago with her wife Rebecca Scott to co-found STREAT. This Melbourne-based social enterprise provides holistic, tailored support and vocational training to young people who are marginalised or disadvantaged. 
Kate is a dynamic and informed instructor and has delivered over 500 training workshops. She is passionate about translating research and knowledge into applied practice. Her current role involves the oversight of STREAT’s holistic and trauma-informed youth training programs as well as tracking STREAT’s M&E and impact. One of her favourite jobs is to be the handler of ‘Magic’, STREAT’s Therapy Dog!


Our Gender & Sexual Diversity e-learn led to a 40% increase in confidence and scored 93% overall
Here’s what else people are saying about it:  
“I wish these resources were around when I was a teenager.”
“This was so awesome. The statistics were particularly shocking and powerful.”
“A kick up the bum to do more.”

Additional E-learns

Trauma-Informed Practice

This workshop will explain the impact of trauma at a social, behavioural, neurological and psychological level. 

Resilience & Self-Care

This e-learn provides an opportunity to breathe, connect with core values, identify resilience and learn strategies to maintain personal sustainability.